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Energy Therapies

Energy Healing


Energy Therapist

Full Body Massage ITEC Level 3 

Shiatsu Massage Diploma STFR

Energy Work Practitioner Level 3

Kundalini Tantra yoga Instructor


Energy Treatments

Price List:

£35 per hour

£25 per half hour

All about energy work

Matrix energy therapy is a holistically safe and non intrusive therapy that aids shifts in healing. Working directly with the energy centers otherwise known as the chakra system. Chakras are major centers of power within our body. There are 7 Chakras, each constantly receiving and transmitting energy. How smoothly your chakras function determines how fully you inhabit your body, how successful you are in your relationships and how much inner peace you enjoy. Traumas and challenges of life often pull you into opposing directions and this can lead your energy to become blocked and stagnant. Working with chakras will help to find ways to free your energy! This energy therapy can be received by anyone wanting to confront their issues and most importantly anyone who is wanting to raise their spiritual awareness and vibration. By initiating high vibrational energy from source, in to your energy field and chakras and by removing dense energy from them, the physical body can be healed on all levels and returned to its natural balance aiding perfect health and well-being.

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