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Reflexology is a complementary therapy that uses specialist message to work specific points (or reflexes) on the feet, which correspond to different organs and systems of the body. At temple treatments we offer a variety of different reflexology treatments and your choice of experienced, knowledgeable therapists.


Meet our Reflexologists


Rachel Darby

Clinical Reflexology SVQ Level 8
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
BSc Health and Social Care
Nerve Reflexology


Kath Jones

Reflexology Level 3
Sports Massage ITECH Level 3

Treatment Options: 

Reflexology (1 hour) £35
Holistic Reflexology (1 hour) £35 *Most Popular*
Reflexology with Nerve Reflexology (1 hour) £35
Nerve Reflexology (30 mins) £20 
Reflexology for fertility (30 mins) £20
Reflexology for relaxation and fertility (1 hour) £35

Reflexology for pain management (1 hour) £35


What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is based on the belief that various points (or reflexes) on the feet correspond to various organs and systems of the body (see foot map). Reflexologists use their specialized knowledge and targeted massage techniques to work these reflex points in order to promote health and wellbeing as well as relaxation and the body's own ability to heal. 

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What to expect

During your first session your therapist will complete a consultation form with you and ask you about any underlying health conditions you may have and about your current general health. Once this is completed you will be asked to remove your shoes and socks and lie back on the massage bed. Calming music will be on in the background (unless requested otherwise), the lights dimmed and massage bench adjusted to your preference. The treatment would then be conducted according to which therapist and treatment you have requested. 

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